
General information and history of Abakan

Abakan is the capital of the Republic of Khakassia. The city stands on the banks of the picturesque Abakan River, in the southern part of the Minusinsk Depression. How old is the city? Scientists have not yet given an answer to this question.

Panoramic view of the city
Panoramic view of the city

Officially, he’s young. It recently turned 80 years old. On April 30, 1931, the village of Ust-Abakan received a new name, city status, district boundaries and a general plan of development. But historians argue that the progenitor of Abakan could well be any of the 9 villages that became the territory of the modern city.

Thus, it is known that Abakan stockade was erected in 1675. The 325th founding of the first state settlement was widely celebrated by Abakans in 2000. However, scientific discoveries of archaeologists allow us to think that Abakan is more ancient. In Nizhnyaya Sogra scientists found a fortress, the probable time of construction of which is the Middle Ages. In the west, at the intersection of Askizskaya and Kanskaya streets, during excavations were found ruins of buildings dating back to the 5th century AD. Therefore, a number of historians claim that the city is more than 1500 years old.

Avenue of Druzhby Narodov at night
Avenue of Druzhby Narodov at night

Modern Abakan is dynamically developing, actively building and has good economic prospects.

Climate and ecology of Khakassia capital

The territory of Abakan is located in the belt of sharply continental climate, but after the launch of the Krasnoyarsk and Sayano-Shushenskaya HPPs, the weather has changed. In winter, the average temperature is -16, with the traditional -30 on New Year’s Eve and Epiphany. Spring begins in March, in the second half of May summer comes into its own. Three months warms the bright sun and blinds the eyes with cloudless blue sky. The average daily temperature is +20. Abakan is drowning in greenery and flowers. The long Indian summer gives you comfort and an opportunity to enjoy the generous multicolors.

Preobrazhensky Park Complex
Preobrazhensky Park Complex

Abakan is a city of parks, squares and alleys. However, the air here is far from ideal. Emissions from the Abakan CHPP and the rapidly increasing number of cars do their dirty work. For 168 thousand inhabitants there are 70 000 cars. Often there is a doldrums, which aggravates the situation of the gassy city.

The river Abakan is also not characterized by special cleanliness. The picturesque landscape of popular coastal “recreation areas” is decorated with mountains of garbage left by tourists who come in droves to the capital of Khakassia in summer. Dumps are diligently cleaned by green activists and construction crews, but their work is reduced to zero by the negligence of vacationers.

Population of Abakan

In the city live representatives of more than 100 nationalities, a total of 168 thousand people. Most of them are Russians, 30 percent are Khakas, the share of other diasporas is about 10 percent.

According to the data of Khakasstat, the number of residents of Abakan is dynamically growing. Objective reasons are at work here: growing birth rate, rather low infant mortality, a large number of long-livers. The migration factor also plays no less important role. The number of people who wanted to build a life here is rapidly increasing. These are graduates of Khakass State University, specialists from Central and Eastern Siberia, indigenous people who decided to move to the capital of the Republic, and, of course, migrants from Central Asia and the Caucasus region.

Abakan. City Day
Abakan. City Day

The city is very young. The average age of representatives of the stronger sex is 39 years old, the beautiful half of humanity – 34 years old. 50% of the population of Abakan has barely celebrated its fortieth anniversary.

According to the ratio of men and women Abakan may well be called the city of grooms. There are more men here than representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

A significant part of citizens have specialized secondary education, specialized for local enterprises. 25% of people have higher education, 5% have academic degrees. The ranks of highly qualified specialists are regularly replenished by graduates of Khakass State University – the center of scientific thought not only in the Republic, but also in Siberia and the Far East.

Abakan from a bird's eye view
Abakan from a bird’s eye view

Teenagers have the opportunity to study in clubs at their place of residence, sports sections, art schools. Competitions and shows prove that there are plenty of creative young people in Abakan. And the specialists coming to the city are not only young, but also highly mobile and creative.

Districts and real estate of Abakan

Officially, there is no geographical division in the city. However, for more effective work of the executive and legislative authorities in Abakan, public self-government was introduced. Streets are united into several districts, in each district a headman is appointed. He is responsible for its development, defends the interests of residents, participates in solving pressing issues and discussing prospects.

Central district

This is the business center of Abakan. All the most significant organizations of the city are located here. Central Market, modern entertainment center, Fox’s Tail Pub – the most popular among the advanced youth. Here are also located elite high-rise buildings. The neighborhood has excellent infrastructure and living conditions. The cost of renting apartments here from 20000 rubles. The cost of housing – from 5 million rubles.

Central district, Torosova Street
Central district, Torosova Street

A big plus – public transportation nearby, no problems with getting around the city.

4 microdistrict

This is the “face” of Abakan. Here are the sights that make the city’s guests think about changing their place of residence. Preobrazhensky park complex, “Dream Gardens” – a unique topiary art park, an amazing fountain, Youth Palace, Malibu club, popular pub Limerick, elite stores, supermarkets.


A “face” is a “face” to be cared for and presented favorably. That is why there is cleanliness, beauty, order, comfortable housing and high prices for it. A one-room apartment here costs from 2 million rubles, rent – from 15 thousand.


This is the most actively developing district. In just 3.5 years it has become unrecognizable. More than 10 modern residential complexes have been built, two kindergartens equipped according to the latest educational standards are operating. Komsomolsky square has been reconstructed, gradually it is becoming a favorite recreation place for the residents of the district. A children’s hospital is under construction, a super-modern shopping mall has been opened.

The main disadvantages of MPS are the noise of the railroad, the hum of steam locomotives, as well as a significant distance from the center of Abakan. It is very inconvenient to get here by public transportation.


A classic bedroom neighborhood, with typical panel buildings, schools, kindergartens, which do not have enough space for preschoolers, sports clubs, bars, restaurants. There is, like everywhere else in Abakan, a public garden and a fountain.


It is popularly divided into two halves: one is called Durposelok, the other – Sovkhozka.

It is located almost on the outskirts, between the railroad line and the dam. It unites 71 streets. Asphalt has only half of them. Mostly there are one-storey buildings of the private sector and two-storey barracks of old construction.

Housing has an attractive cost for families whose income is slightly above average. “One unit” in a barrack without amenities costs 1.3 million rubles, in a well-appointed house – from 1.5 million. Renting an apartment in this area will cost 4,000 rubles if the toilet is outside, and 8,000 rubles if there are all the amenities of civilization.

Yuzhny. Eternal barracks that will never be torn down
Yuzhny. Eternal barracks that will never be torn down

In the near future, the neighborhood is waiting for the demolition of dilapidated barracks and the construction of modern multi-storey complexes, expansion of the road through the viaduct, reconstruction of the kindergarten.

Krasniy Abakan

The neighborhood unites 89 streets and is dynamically being built. This is a classic suburb. Here poverty neighbors with luxury: next to the mansion stands a shrivelled shack, a little further away – a poorly advancing construction site, not far away a good building of a middleman. About 14 thousand people live here, but there are no restaurants, cafes, gyms, shopping centers. This place is not attractive for business, because the bulk of residents are people, as it is commonly said, in a difficult life situation. And those who are doing better, build their day in such a way that they come home “from the city” late at night, needing only rest.

Buying a cottage will cost from 3 million rubles. A more modest house – 1.5 million. If we take into account that most of these buildings are not landscaped, and urban civilization will come to a separate house not soon, it is not so cheap.

Krasniy Abakan
Krasniy Abakan

However, as the district headman says, there are prospects. Soon a cultural and leisure center will be built, where there will be fitness for the young, and a children’s circle, and a club for music lovers over 60. The construction of a kindergarten is also being actively discussed.

Harbor (Gavan)

The district with such an alluring name includes 2000 private farmsteads, from Pushkin Street to the South Dam on one side, and from Khlebnaya Street to the Park of Culture and Recreation on the other. More than 12 thousand inhabitants live here. This is the oldest district of the city. Here is the oldest church and the first comprehensive school built in Abakan. The neighborhood is quiet, calm, there is no city bustle and noise. Cozy “village” within the boundaries of the city.

Civilization is still gradually looking here: built an underpass on Gertsen Street, now you do not have to give a detour to the viaduct on Shevchenko or risk your life jumping on the rails.There is quite a landscaped park “Havana Bear”. However, residents still avoid it in the evening – very much remember its bad criminogenic fame.

The main population – old people and rare young people who inherited a house from grandma or grandpa. Many people love their quiet corner and do not pay attention to the heaps of garbage, because there are no contracts for their removal, or to their own shrunken fence and overgrown weeds in the front garden.



This is a neighborhood of expensive housing. There are private houses, barracks and Khrushchev buildings here. Everything necessary for a comfortable life is here: school, hospital, kindergarten. A normal bedroom neighborhood. But only his fame is not good, it is considered a gangster neighborhood, where drug addicts, alcoholics and other asocial types. But the residents do not agree with this and call their neighborhood “cool”.

City infrastructure

Communal woes and victories of the city

To say that there are no housing and communal problems in Abakan is a slip of the tongue. They are, as in any city of our country. The cost of utilities for a standard “one-bedroom” ranges from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. For a city where most residents have an average income, this is quite a lot.

Fools and bad roads are, unfortunately, also in wonderful Abakan. The central streets are distinguished by compliance with all standards, but the farther from the center, the worse. Patching has long become a bad tradition of the deficit budget. Holes are diligently patched in spring, in summer active automobile traffic diligently smashes them to shreds and adds new ones. The vicious circle is regularly broken: a few of the worst streets are annually filled with new asphalt. But that doesn’t make it any easier for drivers. The number of places where you need to demonstrate virtuoso skill to drive a car is still off the charts. Hence the accidents, especially with the participation of inexperienced and vacation drivers, car service stations and tire repair shops are literally on every corner.

Improvement services work not to say that out of hand, but certainly not ideal. The cleanliness of the central part of the city neighbors with the dirt of the territories, to which the contractor’s “hands” never reached.

Night Abakan
Night Abakan

In winter, the eternal problem is uncleaned roads with deep ruts, high snowdrifts instead of sidewalks, through which residents wade as if through an obstacle course. In spring and summer, hot water shutdowns are normal. Heat networks are repaired for weeks, townspeople stock up on basins and kettles, the more affluent buy running water or go to a dacha, to the village, where you can make a sauna and feel happy.

Public transportation

Its local specificity – after 22 hours neither buses nor trolleybuses do not run in the city, movement around Abakan at this time and until morning is possible only by cab. The minimum fare is 60 rubles, a trip usually costs 100-200 rubles.

On the route to Preobrazhensky Cathedral
On the route to Preobrazhensky Cathedral

A ticket in a trolleybus costs 12 rubles. The bus fare is 14 rubles on the commercial route and 11 rubles on the municipal route. All flights run strictly according to schedule, waiting time does not exceed 5 minutes during rush hour and 10 minutes during normal time. The only drawback is that the routes developed under Tsar Gorokh cannot fully meet the needs of the city under construction. Many citizens have to walk a couple of kilometers from the bus stop to their homes. The situation is partly saved by shuttle buses.

Intercity and suburban communication

Abakan has an airport, from which flights to any point of our vast homeland are carried out. It is the only one in Khakassia and in the south of Krasnoyarsk Krai. From the airport to the city you can get by trolleybus or bus. Railway and bus communication is well developed. By train from Abakan you can travel wherever your heart desires, there are plenty of direct flights. Intercity buses are characterized by high comfort, daily flights go to Krasnoyarsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk. The price of a ticket starts from 800 rubles.

Abakan station
Abakan station

Regular suburban transportation makes it popular to live in the nearby villages. Housing is relatively inexpensive, the fare is within 100 rubles, the time of flights is quite convenient to arrive at work on time and leave home in the evening without problems.

Enterprises and work in Abakan

Abakan became one of the top 100 cities in Russia with a population of more than 100 thousand people. When analyzing the economic situation, the retail trade turnover, the amount of housing built and investment in fixed capital were in the center of attention.

Officially, the average salary in the city – 26 thousand 700 rubles. In fact, the average Abakans really earn 15-20 thousand, which, of course, is not enough for a city of republican importance. There is work in the city, and this is what Abakan attracts outside specialists. Only 1080 people were registered in the Employment Center in 2012.

In the city there are about 6000 thousand organizations, most of them are commercial, there are branches and representative offices of large concerns. Small business develops mainly in the sphere of trade and fast food, as well as repair of motor vehicles.

The most prestigious place of work is the railroad. It is difficult to get a job here, there are rather high salaries and high social guarantees.

Industrial enterprises are dynamically developing in the city. Specialists are required at enterprises of the food industry. At known far beyond Khakassia OJSC “AYAN”, LLC “Agroindustrial company Mavr”, OJSC “Confectionery factory “Abakanskaya”, OJSC “Bread” favorable working conditions are created, trade union organizations work. Wages are regularly indexed. The increase is small, but it warms the soul of employees. Employees are confident in the future and boldly apply for mortgage loans and loans for urgent needs.

Ayan plant
Ayan plant

Not very high, but stable earnings in JSC “KhakasGas” and State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Khakassia “Polygraphic Enterprise Khakassia”. There are two poultry farms not far from the city, the production of building materials, furniture is actively developing, mining enterprises work well.

The production of containers and railcars is established in Abakan. Abakanvagonmash OJSC is engaged in this business, it is a part of Russian Machines holding. There are jobs at the experimental-mechanical plant – manufacturer of crane equipment for the construction industry, at the experimental-mechanical plant – manufacturer of logging equipment, oil and cheese factory, shoe factory. At these enterprises specialized specialists are in demand. But the big disadvantage is the geographical location: it is not just difficult, but very difficult to get to the place of work.

Abakanskaya CHPP, which is part of the structure of JSC “TGK-13”, gives heat and energy, provides hot water supply to residential areas and enterprises of the city.

It is not a problem to get a job in the city. The question is, with what salary? A low-skilled, respectively, low-paid worker is required by both private entrepreneurs and industrial giants. But a better job and a higher salary will have to look for, to undergo appropriate training or internship.

Crime in Abakan

The city leads in the number of street thefts and crimes, including those committed by minors. Abakan diligently fights against the pernicious glory, but the situation is not saved neither by reinforced police units, nor by patrolling of the Voluntary People’s Friendship. Over 4000 offenses were committed during the year. That’s almost 11 crimes every day. Theft, robbery, murder, blackmail, extortion – the list includes both grave and especially grave crimes. According to police reports, theft and car thefts are off the charts in the city, with a clearance rate of only 50%.

Recently, a criminal case on fraud was sent to court. Chairmen of the housing cooperative “Chir-Suum” embezzled more than 900 thousand rubles, it is a part of the made share contributions for the construction of residential houses, as well as the money intended for the construction of a garage in the 1st residential area of Abakan. The attackers were sentenced – 6 years behind bars and a fine of half a million rubles.

A big problem is road safety. In the city there are annually more than 1000 road accidents, in many people die or become disabled, souls and destinies are maimed. For the most part, the accidents happen because the city streets are simply not adapted for such a large number of cars, every day they are becoming more and more. Exceeding the speed limit, a huge number of “dummies” who recently got their license, bad roads, daredevilry – the main reasons for the terrible statistics. Of course, preventive measures are carried out, traffic police officers do their work, but the reports are not changing as quickly as we would like.

Abakan police often receive statements from citizens that their relatives are missing. Such cases are investigated promptly, statistics show that during 2012 more than 900 people were located in total.

Another type of crime in the city is illegal gambling halls. Quite recently, a high-profile case of underground casinos ended, the long investigation was completed, the court handed down a guilty verdict.

From the point of view of the police – employees do everything possible to prevent drug crimes. According to the average person – drugs are sold everywhere and anywhere, and the police turn a blind eye to it. The number of drug addicts is steadily growing, and there are fewer and fewer families that have been spared this disease of our time. Of course, there is prevention, but it is of little use.

Sights of Abakan, which you should definitely visit

In Abakan there are quite a lot of sights. In the first place are unique, the only parks of topiary art in our country: “Dream Gardens” in Preobrazhensky Park and “Inspiration” – in Victory Park (in common parlance – Chernogorsky). In these parks you can see unique creations of human hands: a figure of a cute kitten made of barley.

Barley kitten figure, topiary park
Barley kitten figure, topiary park

You can admire original monuments in different districts of the city. Everyone who has been to Abakan has pictures against the background of these sculptures. The stone dreamer attracts attention, as well as a unique chair located near the building of the furniture factory and duplicated in the topiary park.

Sculpture Dreamer
Sculpture Dreamer

It is impossible to be in Abakan and not visit its temples. The Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral rises majestically in the center of the city.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral
Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral

The Church of St. Nicholas Cathedral is no less splendid, and the Church of St. Constantine and St. Helen is also worth a visit. Its outer walls are made of mosaics in the style of “Chess”.

Abakan zoo is the largest in Eastern Siberia. There are more than 190 species of animals, many of them are listed in the Red Book. Here you can see the Bengal tiger, American puma and other very rare animals.

You can dance to your heart’s content in the disco bar “Night Picnic”. There are three halls here. The main one is for those who want to dance and have fun in a noisy company. The second – the veranda of the cafe – is perfect for a romantic date. The third – banquet hall – a cozy room for a company of 15-20 people.

You can go to the movies. There is an excellent movie theater on Chertygashev. “Cinema XXI Century” is a cozy halls, cafes and only excellent pictures. The only drawback is that the sessions and the time of their showings often change. More predictable “Nautilus”. This cinema is located on Taras Shevchenko.